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Health Fitness

How to Live Lean Successfully: Six Criteria

CRITERION #1: Be willing to do it yourself. Always keep this in mind: I’m doing it for myself! The moment you begin to believe that you are doing it for someone else (spouse, children, partner, doctors, etc.), your chances of success are threatened. You are an adult who deserves...

The importance of measuring in the kitchen: know your sizes!

Are measuring cups or spoons important? Maybe you know someone who is a fan of cooking, and to you it seems like they just throw ingredients back and forth and ta-da! The result is something simply delicious. You wonder if it’s magic or not, and that makes you reflect...

Where does all the fat go when you lose pounds?

The world is obsessed with fad eating and weight loss methodologies, but few of us know how fat really does melt off the scale. In fact, even the 150 fitness specialists, dieticians, and trainers we reviewed shared this startling gap in their domain of wellness. The most widely recognized...

How to lose 3 pounds in an hour before a wrestling match

Amateur, high school, and college wrestling, in addition to being a sport extremely dependent on physical strength and skill, is a weighty game. Possessing the strength of a 160-pound person, but physically confronting, wrestling, a person with the strength of a 145-pound person, dropping weight to match your opponent,...

The Home Gym – Muscle Toning Equipment

Many benefits of having an exercise room or home gym range from inexpensive to simply convenient. Being able to get a full body workout just by going to another room in the house is better than going out and traveling to the public gym any day. A home gym...

Avoid bulky legs: Must-have ideas for women

One concern about weightlifting exercises for the lower body is that it could lead to the development of large, bulky muscles that give a masculine appearance. Weight training doesn’t always make your physique look that way when you plan your workouts right, and that’s wonderful information! The development of...

Do people really drink warm beer in Europe?

As a person who has tasted quite a bit of beer in Europe, friends in America often ask if they really drink hot beer there. Since Americans like their beer almost to the point of freezing and then serve it in a chilled mug, they can’t imagine how you...