Expand your creativity and get smarter using these 8 strategies

It is now commonly accepted that, collectively, our brains function using billions of neural interconnections along an almost infinite variety of pathways to manage our intellectual abilities. The more interconnections we have, the better or more efficiently our brain will carry out functions such as solving problems or developing creative thinking. Scientists know but can’t explain exactly how the process works, but if you study math, your musical ability improves. If you read a lot, your ability to develop new physical or artistic skills increases. That being the case, we can literally make ourselves “smarter” by increasing the number of interconnections in our brains.

But how exactly do we go about improving our mental capacity? By strengthening one or more areas of our brain that are less developed. If you are an avid reader, study art. If you love everything related to music, increase your studies on nature. Are you an athlete? Increase your appreciation of music and other areas of intellectual prowess will follow. It may sound strange and illogical, but it works. Here are six of the nine strongest “intelligences” and how they influence personality, character, and ability. Notice how each can be strengthened and expanded using simple activities practiced regularly.

1. Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence

People whose brains are highly developed in this area are avid readers, like to write, and
do crossword puzzles They are also successful language learners. To expand your skills in this
intelligence, do crossword puzzles, word games and other word games and puzzles. He delves into poetry or writes essays and articles. (Now there’s an idea) Try some types of verbal and linguistic activities online at:

• Puzzle Maker website http://www.puzzlemaker.com

• Hot Potatoes website to create puzzles

2. Visual-Spatial Intelligence

If you love bold colors, are an artist who paints, draws, creates or crafts, then your brain is highly developed in this area. If you’re not, then learn to draw, cartoon, or do puzzles and you’ll increase the stimulation of this part of your brain. Visit these websites to learn more and try some visual and spatial activities:

• Crossword Kit Home Page http://www.crosswordkit.com/

• Free puzzle downloads http://zone.msn.com/deluxegames/

3. Musical – Rhythmic Intelligence

Musicians, singers, rappers and poets unite! You are all focused on musical – rhythmic intelligence. These people usually play a musical instrument, sing, whistle and hum. They love limericks and music in all its forms. You who aspire to greater ease of mind could take music lessons, learn and recite nursery rhymes to your children, take a music appreciation course, or simply add more music to your everyday life. Online, check out these sites to get started:

• Live international music sources http://www.live365.com

• Live international music sources http://www.radiotower.com/

4. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

If you like computers, then your brain is housed here. Structured and organized revelations in order and neatness. You may also be comfortable with numbers. Bookkeepers, accountants, statisticians, and software programmers are strong in this intelligence. If you want to strengthen this intelligence, solve mysteries, learn logic or computer programming, or play strategic board games like chess, checkers, backgammon, or Monopoly, anyone? Dare to speed up this intelligence by playing games on:

• Free online games http://zone.msn.com/en/root/default.htm

• Free game downloads http://www.freeworldgroup.com/game.html

5. Body – Kinesthetic Intelligence

This is the reign of sportsmen, as this intelligence features an innate love of motion and movement. They dance, tap dance, ballet or play sports well. Do you go hiking? Swimming? Are you a ballroom dancer, cyclist or marathon runner? Any type of athletics will help their mental and physical development. Go surfing, learn ballroom dancing, train for a triathlon, or improve your cooking skills to make yourself smarter. At a minimum, you could go to the neighborhood gym for a regular workout or go for a brisk walk every day. Your mind (and body) will thank you as you improve your health and fitness levels and get smarter.

6. Naturalistic Intelligence

Nature lovers comfortably reside here. They love animals, gardens, flowers, sunsets and the sea. Veterinarians, animal trainers, horticulturists, environmentalists, and biologists are often the strongest in this intelligence. From simply going on regular nature walks to formal study of the biological sciences will deepen your mental strengths in this intelligence. The delights of orchids and roses await you. Immerse yourself in the secrets of medicinal plants, work or enjoy horses, bees, birds or fish. Volunteer at the zoo or participate in activities that get you and keep you outdoors. Ideas abound online from these offerings:

• Sea World Online http://www.seaworld.org/animal-info/animal-bytes/index.htm

• Ed Web home page http://www.edwebproject.org/

By regularly working on activities in these areas, you will grow your collective intelligence, that is, your general ability to think, create, solve problems and execute mental processes. So have fun while getting smarter.

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