Joint Pain Treatment – Home and Ayurvedic Remedies

Joint pains are very common complaints as a person ages. Most of the time, these joint pains are due to arthritis. There are several types of arthritis that can occur in old age. In all these types, the indication is that the joints have worn down with age and therefore do not attack themselves. In this way, joint pain is an autoimmune disease, that is, one in which the body attacks itself.

The Ayurvedic name for arthritic joint pain is Sandhi Vata. As its name suggests, it is caused by the vice of vata dosha in the human body. The word sandhi means ‘joint’ in Sanskrit. Ayurveda believes that Sandhi Vata can be caused by rheumatism, infections, gout, hemophilia, trauma, and even digestive problems that result in an accumulation of Ama in the body.

(1) Herbs useful in treating joint pain

1. Lucerne (Medicago satina)

Alfalfa herb is very effective in reducing joint pain. It should be taken in the form of tea four times a day.

2. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)

Ashwagandha is the herb popularly known as Winter Cherry in the west. It has several positive properties for the human system. The treatment of joint pain is included in that list of properties.

3. Banyan tree (Ficus bengalensis)

The banyan tree produces a sap very similar to rubber latex. It is used as an external application on joints. This application relieves joint pain after a few applications and regular massage.

4. Bishop’s weed (Trachyspermum ammi)

The oil extracted from bishop’s wort is applied locally on the affected joints to relieve pain in them.

5. Celery (Apium graveolens)

Celery can be used as an effective treatment for rheumatism and gout, both of which can cause joint pain. Therefore, celery provides a longer lasting treatment of the problem. The alkaline content of celery makes it effective in treating joint pain.

6. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)

Dandelion is rich in magnesium, an element necessary for the correct mineralization of bones. The use of dandelion strengthens the bones and protects them from pain.

7. Garlic (Allium sativum)

Garlic is a very effective remedy for the treatment of joint pain. About five to six cloves of garlic should be eaten every morning to seek relief.

8. Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

Ginger is also one of the best methods in treating joint pain. It should be freely included in the person’s daily diet. Tea made with ginger is also beneficial.

(2) Dietary treatments for joint pain

Ginger and garlic are extremely good for controlling mixed breads. Some people find the smell of ginger intolerable. To reduce the smell, garlic cloves can be lightly fried in butter. All bitter flavors are good for arthritis. Therefore, people could consume bitter gourd and bitter drumsticks without any concern.

People with joint pains should completely stay away from all kinds of acidic foods as these can increase Vata. Constipation can aggravate pain. Therefore, foods that are difficult to digest should be avoided. This also extends to high-protein foods like legumes. Food should not be fried so as not to further vitiate vata.

(3) Ayurvedic treatments for joint pain

Ayurveda prescribed different types of treatments for different types of joint pain. When a patient approaches an Ayurvedic doctor, the first thing he should do is determine the cause of the pain. Depending on that, medications are prescribed.

1. Rheumatoid arthritis is known as Ama Vata in Ayurveda. It is caused by a low digestive fire, so the ama is retained in the body. For its treatment, ama is first eliminated by fasting and purging if necessary. A mixture of punarnava, guggulu, galangala and garlic is then administered in doses of one gram per day. Dashamoolarishta is also prescribed in an amount of 15 milliliters three times a day for three weeks.

2. If the joint pain is due to trauma, Vishagarbha taila is prescribed for external application on the region where the joint pain is felt. For internal administration, the patient is prescribed Rasnadi Guggulu and Guduchi tablets, which must be taken in an amount of 250 milligrams three or four times a day with water.

3. In people over the age of fifty, a type of arthritic joint pain known as osteoarthritis is observed. This is known as Ashtigata Vata in Sanskrit. For this condition, Pravala Panchamrita or Lakshadi Guggulu is prescribed. The doses are 125 milligrams twice a day for one month and 250 milligrams three times a day for three months, respectively.

(4) Home remedies for joint pain

has. Massage the joints with a mixture of camphor, eucalyptus oil and menthol before going to bed.

b. Have a glass of carrot juice early in the morning. Continue this until you find a reduction in pain, which should be within a week.

Cons Don’t exercise wildly, but at the same time don’t keep your joints lethargic. Do some activity with them to keep them mobile.

d. Take a warm bath every morning. This facilitates proper blood circulation.

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