Stuck for ideas? Here are some simple concepts to get you off the ground based on brain function.

If you don’t have creative ideas, a simple change can lead to amazing solutions. Focusing fully on another area or relaxing in general

Here are some effective and inexpensive ways to do this.


You may laugh, but most business owners find that taking a shower (or running) helps them develop originality.

When we focus intensely on a job, we tend to see only part of the big picture. It is when we avoid the task of generating concepts that our brains begin to deal with associations.

You may find that when run or bike, you start to see commonalities. It happens all the time that you see bloggers writing posts like “10 Things Marketing Departments Should Get From Triathletes” or “Ways To Work Like Richard Branson By Thinking Like Arnold Schwarzenegger.”

These concepts come from associations we have, but then the rain envelops us in a field of negative ions. The successful action of these ions injects dopamine into our systems, and dopamine, combined with a favorable mindset, helps encourage the circulation of favorable concepts.

Psychologically design yourself after someone else

Have you ever heard the expression, “Exactly what would MacGyver do if he were here right now?” It’s psychologically associating with someone who you think he would have the answer to. It doubles down on your creative work as it also breaks down barriers that you might otherwise think exist to prevent you from discovering the ideal fit.

Yes, in the tv show or movie, MacGyver he could use a match to escape from prison, so if you believe like him, you should at least be able to find a way to get out of your locked bathroom without having to go through the humiliation of yelling out the window at your next-door neighbor.

just get out of your house

Another factor that works so well for running and traveling to promote concepts is that when you leave your house we take in and move more oxygen. The increase in oxygen helps increase brain function, and a change in settings helps the brain begin to respond in different ways to different stimuli.

Accept your bad ideas

Yes, there is a dark side to this incredible power of incredible concepts. It’s the really silly and spontaneous concepts that include them.

Don’t be discouraged by having a bad concept, it’s all part of the procedure. Just accept that after looking at the concept, it was bad.

In truth, there are no really silly concepts. There is only the stupidity of acting on bad concepts without offering them enough planning. Don’t be discouraged by having a bad concept, it’s all part of the procedure. Just accept that after taking a look at the concept, it was bad.

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