The smallest bat species known to man

You will be surprised when you find out just how small the smallest species of bat is, compared to other bats in the animal kingdom. The world’s smallest bat is no secret, and its name is quite appropriate. It’s the Bumblebee bat, and it’s quite an interesting mammal to learn about. That’s right; bats are mammals. And there are even more fascinating facts to come as you continue reading about Bumblebee bats in this article.

bumblebee bat

The bumblebee bat is also known as Kitti’s pig-nosed beatsand scientifically known as Craseonycteris thonglongyai. They are members of the Phylum Chordata, the Order Chiroptera, and the only extant species in the family Craseonycteridae. Here is their scientific classification:

Kingdom- animalia

Edge- chordates

Class- mammals

Tidy – bats

Family- Craseonycteridae

Genius- Craseonycteris

Species- C.thonglongyai


Let’s go straight to their description: they are tiny! They are the smallest species of bats in the Order Chiroptera. Adults range in size from 1.1 to 1.3 inches long and less than 2 grams. Depending on the definition of “size” used, they could easily be the smallest mammal species!

Their bodies are covered in thick fur, usually reddish-brown in color. And their wings are generally darker in color. They get their nickname “pig nose” from their enlarged, pig-like snout and upright nostrils. Although its eyes are small and barely visible under its fur, its ears are large and wide. Aside from their distinctive pig-nosed trait, they also have no visible tails.

Habitat and Diet

Bumblebee bats live in limestone caves, along riverbeds surrounded by evergreen and deciduous forests in Burma and Thailand. They live in large populations, usually 100 bats per colony, spending less than an hour a day away from their roots. They typically leave the roost early in the morning for an average of 20 minutes, and again at dusk for an average of 30 minutes. During this time, they are hunting for food. Like most Microchiroptera, Bumblebee bats are echolocating insectivores whose diet consists primarily of small insects. They mainly eat flies and use echolocation to catch them mid-flight!

Mating and Gestation

The mating season for Bumblebee bats is in early spring. In late spring, females usually give birth to just one or two babies, called pups. They stay with their mother until they are 6 to 8 weeks old and can live for 20 years or more. It is common for microbats to give birth to several litters per season.

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