Be an Alpha Male: Don’t Make These Beta Male Dating Mistakes

Women are naturally and energetically attracted to men who act like REAL MEN, and do not display cowardly beta male behaviors. Are you an alpha man who has what it takes to date desirable women, or do you keep making these tragic mistakes?

When I was a younger man, I made one mistake after another when trying to meet and date girls. I just couldn’t understand what the hell girls wanted from me … Did they want me to be a flower-bringing “good boy” or some kind of handsome alpha male “bad boy”? I just couldn’t figure it out for the life of me!

Well, after years of searching for the answers, I finally figured out exactly what you MUST NOT do, if you want to be popular with girls … Here’s the short list:

1) Don’t let her run things. This mistake will make a girl lose interest in you quickly! No woman you want to date wants to be in charge of what you do when you hang out, what you talk about, or whether you get physical. It is the role of man to take the initiative, so be a man and take it.

2) Don’t follow her like a lost puppy. Women like it when you pay attention to them, but don’t overdo it. Calling several times a day, showing up to see her uninvited, and looking at her lovingly every time you see her, will give her a disgusting feeling. Alpha males have their own stuff and they don’t smother females with constant companionship.

3) Don’t buy her things. Spending money on a girl is a sure way to show her that you don’t understand. Yes, you can buy him a beer or two, or even pay the bill for some food, but don’t resell any Crystals, at least until your first anniversary.

4) Don’t push to be exclusive. Running to be her boyfriend is a bad idea. I know you’re in love with her or whatever, but you have to be careful here. Letting a woman know that you want to be exclusive puts her in the position of power. Wait, if she wants to be exclusive, she’ll bring it up and then you can play around with her a bit. If you say that you should think about it and tease her a little first, it will be much more exciting for her when you finally agree to be her boyfriend.

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