General causes and prevention of obesity in children

Even looking around us, in our families, neighborhoods, schools, and playgrounds, it is obvious that today’s children are becoming obese. Years ago, babies were just fat, and as they get older, these children tend to move away from their fat bodies and adopt a slimmer profile. Being fat used to be sometimes a point of ridicule for some children.

It became awkward for those fat kids to mingle with their schoolmates while making fun of them and even finding it difficult to participate in noisy kid’s games. But today the stage has become an inflated body for fat children. They have risen to the level of obesity. It will give rise to many known bodily ailments or diseases caused by obesity. In addition to the health risk, personality depression can also be an effect of obesity. Obesity can be caused by various symptoms such as the following:

1. Genetic factors – Children who come from families with a history of obesity or prone to laziness have a tendency to be obese. In addition to the genetic makeup of the inherited body type, an inherited body movement, such as being lazy, can be a factor in becoming obese.

2. Environmental factors: Bad eating habits, potato habit, passive lifestyle and the presence of unhealthy foods allowed in the family environment can lead to obesity in a child.

3. Psychological factors: A child’s unsupervised emotional responses to their daily experiences, negative in nature, can lead to massive food indulgence. These negative emotions can be related to frustration, sadness, boredom, and anger.

Parents should be attentive to their children’s behavior at home. Are they spending their hours outside of school lounging in their rooms or sitting in front of the TV or computer? Worse still, do they bring food while doing this, food high in sugar, carbohydrates or soft drinks?

Parents should be able to determine when children of the child’s age normally reach the satiety level. They should involve the children in household chores and plan family activities that involve everyone to exercise or move their bodies. Prepare healthy meals at home that have a good visual presentation to tempt a child’s appetite. Ban or limit junk food at home. Talk to your kids and find out what emotional burdens they may have to prevent their craving for unhealthy foods. Wise parents should be sensitive to their children’s activity and eating habits to avoid obesity in their children.

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