Marriage to a fool: the worst mistake men make in marriage in the 21st century

There is a mistake you will make in life, especially in the realm of marriage, that will cause you a lifetime of regret and sadness. Marriage to a Bimbo is the worst marriage mistake many men make in the 21st century. It has cost many their fortune and hard-earned respect in life. It has destroyed several happy families and forced to swallow the bread of pain down the esophagus or throat. It is a fate-destroying mistake that can reduce a noble personality to pimp juice.

A Bimbo is an attractive but unintelligent person who moves around and cares only about beauty and external cosmetics. She has no affinity for self-improvement of any kind, but believes that sex can only solve problems in relationship or marriage. He was probably not born this way, but he acquired the negative trait through upbringing over time. A closer look at her diary will reveal that she has been through serial abusive relationships that ultimately ended in a shipwreck, and she was expelled. You can afford to stay in any relationship despite abuse and humiliation as long as your material needs are met. She has no problem.

She approaches marriage from a materialistic perspective, but has little or nothing to contribute to the sustenance of the marriage.

A Bimbo believes that her chest is the key to accessing the riches of her lover or spouse, but she will never be able to contribute productively to the well-being of the home. She would rather spend a lot on buying brandy clothes, jewelry, and shoes than spending on herself for self-improvement. She surfs the internet 24/7 for the latest bias and sexual positions, but carefully reviews financial times and online economic journals. A Bimbo will cause you the following pain:

1. Financial pain: – If you are the lousy type, a Bimbo will drain your bank account to shop often for her and sponsor a younger boyfriend to satisfy her sexual cravings in your absence.

2. Emotional pain: – A Bimbo will deny you access to its body if you are not able to satisfy its material needs. The truth is that he will not hesitate to open wide to the man who can afford to attend to his needs, even if it is temporary.

3. Health pain: – With your level of frivolity, you can come in contact with diseases and infections that you definitely transmit. If you are lucky, you will escape the poison of HIV / AIDS.

4. Family pain: – A Bimbo can throw an entire family into chaos with her rectifying and selfish activities just to satisfy it. If you are a low-income person and have to work long hours every day, a Bimbo wife will definitely hang out with any of your family members who are willing to pay for their slightest need. It is only a matter of time, you will discover that your older brother or your much younger brother is sleeping with your proud and beautiful Bimbo.

5. Eternal pain: – If you use all known wit and wisdom to keep a Bimbo in marriage, you may later discover that other external men or friends of yours are having babies in our house through your Bimbo-Sexual Queen. To this, you could overreact and shoot someone, be it your Sex-Queen or her accomplice, and then book a life sentence in the prison yard. Beware! A Bimbo is watching your back.

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