Use your words carefully

Words are expressions of our mental attitudes. Anything we think will be transformed into verbal explanations. So we have to be very careful what we say, because words once spoken cannot be taken back.

Our thoughts, attitudes, mental impressions, childhood experiences all affect our speech, which is just a reflection of these. We only communicate what we really think. Some people think one thing and say another which is superficial and will be easily recognized because facial expressions give away the game.

Words must be spoken carefully and thoughtfully because they will echo our mental reaction immediately and can affect us in a big way. Never speak ill of others in front of children because they are not yet wise enough to keep quiet or speak according to the occasion.

We may want to show ourselves in front of learned people, but don’t make a mistake by saying things that you may not know properly and make a fool of yourself.

There is a saying in the Hindu scriptures, Mounam vidwana Bhooshanam, which means that silence is the adornment of the wise. They don’t get into unnecessary arguments like a common raven.

When a person babbles all the time, he not only degrades himself but also wastes energy and time. Silence increases the power of concentration and gives power. Continuous talking will only help increase mental tension and anger. Unpleasant words can be spoken and enemies created forever. Words have a strange power that can even uproot a person’s status.

Divorces occur mainly because the spouses do not hesitate to speak words that will affect their relationship. Unfortunately, the ego makes man think that speaking in a tone of superiority will win. But that is not the case. Hostile words will further antagonize and turn blood relatives into enemies.

There are two ways to speak. You can ask someone to bring something by adding please and you can order the person to do so with shouts and threats. A request is easily fulfilled and a threat will only create an enemy. So make sure you are polite in your conversation to get the desired results and be considered a gentleman. Manners are always highly respected.

We make or break friends by the way we talk. We must be careful and thoughtful with what we say and save ourselves, because what we say can go against us.

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